Unpopular Opinion: Pride

I thought I wrote about this somewhere, maybe Facebook, but I can’t find it now, so here goes. I don’t think people should be proud of what they can’t help but be. For instance, I don’t think anybody should be proud of being a certain race. Blacks, whites, Native Americans… none of us should be proud for being what we are because we had no say in it. We weren’t given a choice. We didn’t “accomplish” it of our own merits.

However… I think you should be proud of who you are as a person (hopefully that means you’re a good and decent person) and if being whatever race you are is what helped to mold you into who you are today, you can totally be proud of that. I guess it’s just easier to be proud of being whatever race you are as opposed to all of that.

How can you hate them? I like to party, too. Source

Even still, I feel black power, and how people should be proud to have that or feel that or utilize it in positive ways. But black pride? Get rid of it. You weren’t asked if you wanted to be black or white or whatever. Nobody was.

Because I’m sure a whole lot of people would’ve picked something else. I’m sure there are some black people who would love to experience white privilege once or twice. And as a white guy, sometimes I’d like to be black so I couldn’t be hated for being white and having white privilege. I didn’t ask for it, and if I ever used it to give me something I wouldn’t get as any other color, it was an accident.

But having white pride totally makes you look racist, even if you’re not. Source

For sure I’m not proud of being white. I feel that would come off as bad, anyway. I could’ve turned out to be a better person, for whatever reason that might mean, but I’m proud of who I am, for the most part. Unfortunately who I am is because I’ve been white my whole life and have benefited from it. But, when that was happening, I had no idea it was happening.

What I’m trying to say here is, if we’re going to be proud of who we are, how about we’re all proud of being human beings? That would be something. Then we would all look at one another as such, and we’d all be equals. So can we do that? You, me, her, him, we all decide to be human beings and treat each other as such. It doesn’t matter if you’re black or white, or a guy who wants to be a woman, or a guy who dates only guys. We’re all people dammit, let’s start treating each other as such. THAT would be something to be proud of.

And if you’re not already treating everyone that way, fuck you. YOU’RE the problem.

Speak, Earthling!