One-Liner Wednesday – Age Is Relevant

The kitchen manager where I work is always being accused of being a decade older than he is, and it pisses him off. He’s in his mid-40s, but in all honesty looks like he’s in his mid-50s. So when someone says something of the sort, he gets red-faced and pissy. So of course I have to give him shit for it whenever I can.

One day, a month or so ago, we were talking about some of the waitresses we have and how old they are. Most of them are in their early 20s. One, however, is a bit older but looks great for her age. I asked how old she is and my kitchen manager thought about it.

KM: I think she’s only two years older than me.
Me: There’s no way she’s 60.

One-Liner Wednesday is a product of LindaGHill

7 thoughts on “One-Liner Wednesday – Age Is Relevant

Speak, Earthling!