Uber Update

It is now August and I’m still unable to drive for Uber. I’ve stopped into their Greenlight office three times and contacted them through their online support. I’ve been told 4 times that my issue has been escalated to top priority, and it has been a month since I’ve been able to drive.

So what does that mean? Them telling me they’ve escalated my issue is just to shut me up, it means nothing. They’ve also told me their “specialists” are working hard to solve my issue, which is also a lie. All they have to do is look at my title, see that it’s not salvaged, and BOOM I’m done. It literally takes a couple of seconds, not four weeks.

Oh, and each time I’ve spoken to their online support, which today alone has been quite a few times, I’ve spoken to someone different. It’s kind of hard to build any kind of trust with who you’re talking to if every time is someone new.

This is all complete bullshit. My wife is out of work for another week, and we’re completely broke. Completely. We’ve been surviving because of our awesome families, but it shouldn’t have to be this way. I should be working, and Uber is 100% to blame for this bullshit. If their crack headed system didn’t flag my car as salvaged when there’s no reason for it to, none of this would be happening.

I urge you, if you plan to drive for Uber, to consider all of this. It could easily happen to you. If not this, them something else. Dealing with this headache is just one more in a long line of headaches. I haven’t had this kind of problem with Lyft, yet until they get their payment situation fixed, I can’t drive for them either.

7 thoughts on “Uber Update

Speak, Earthling!