One-Liner Wednesday: Job!

Jen lost her job a couple weeks ago. Her GM, who is a real piece of shit, named Dent, went off on her in front of people in the lobby, talked down to her, made her cry, which ultimately made her walk out. Then, being the biggest kind of pussy any man can be, he said he didn’t do any of that in lieu of apologizing so she could go back.

The joke’s on him, apparently things have gone to complete shit there, so fuck him. He deserves it.

Since then, though, Jen has had a tough time getting a job. She’s interviewed at a ton of places, but it all came down to how she left her last job. Even when she decided to not tell them, they asked and asked and asked until she had to say, and then she didn’t get the job. Basically, these fucking places of employment are siding with a man they don’t know, just because of the position he holds. Which, by the way, he shouldn’t be holding that position. That would be like siding with Trump just because he’s the president. Uh no, fuck that and fuck you.

Well, today she went on another interview and she still has to wait on that response. She had another interview at a place an hour away from here and she didn’t really want to go that far for a job. I told her I wouldn’t either. So on our way home we stopped by a place that is always hiring and she went in to fill out an application. She was in there for an hour and a half. When she came out…


Whew. It couldn’t have come at a better time. And, because both her and I worked there before when it was owned by another company, we both know the building is haunted!

One-Liner Wednesday is a product of LindaGHill

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