Movie Review – The Dark Tower

I don’t see too many movies in the theater, but this was one I had to see. And really, the only reason I’m writing a review of it, is because of how much shit the movie is getting.

It’s a whole lot better than the critics are saying it is.

Let me say this to get it out of the way. By now, everybody knows the books are always better than the movies. That argument should never be used to describe a movie ever again. Ever. Kinda sick of hearing it. Using that is basically saying you have no actual thoughts on the movie, so you’re just going to go with the generic review. And if you ever go to see a movie and get upset because it wasn’t enough like the book, you only have yourself to blame, because you went into it thinking it might be different than all the other books turned movies. Guess what. It won’t be.

The only movie I’ve ever seen that was better than the book was Stephen King’s Silver Bullet. The reason for that is, the book it is based off of, Cycle Of The Werewolf, and the movie are two different things. Sure, some of the stuff that happens in the book made it to the movie. But the movie is mostly about a character from the book who has almost no page time in the book. While the book is good, the movie is much better.

And that’s where my review for The Dark Tower starts. The movie has almost nothing to do with the books, but it’s a really good damn movie.
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